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Access to Legal Forms

PDH Legal Information can provide access to legal forms that can be used to create contracts between Landlord and Tenants, Employer and Employee, Wills, and Power of Attorney for personal care and property, and many others.

Access to Process Services

PDH Legal Information will provide access to process services. All legal documents must be served on the opposing party and filed and issued with the courts, PDH will serve the documents and provide you with an Affidavit of Service.

Access to Legal Websities

PDH Legal Information can provide access to the websites that are need to find the information that is used in the legal process. Legal information is not always easy to locate and legal jargon is not easy to understand, at PDH we can help you find the information and understand it.

Access to Transportation

PDH Legal Information will provide access to transportation to and from our location for those that do not drive or are unable to take public transit. We also provide in home services when required.

Access to Office Equipment

At PDH Legal Information we encourage individuals to navigate the legal system on their own as much as possible. We provide  access to everything that is needed to produce your legal documents, such as computer, paper, and printer.

Access to  all of  Your Legal Needs

PDH Legal Information will provide you with access to contacts such as Lawyers, Paralegals, courts, boards, tribunals, acts, statutes, and regulations.


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